

RISConsulting specializes in the measurement and management of complex risks and in the design, structuring and execution of marketable risk and capital management solutions. As a transactional consulting firm, RISConsulting assists clients in the following areas:

  • Analysis and measurement of complex risks (e.g., modeling).

  • Development of strategies for managing risk.

  • Structuring of marketable risk transfer or risk capital raising transactions.

  • Determining the most appropriate risk-transfer/distribution market
    (e.g., capital markets vs. derivatives vs. (re)insurance) for the transaction.

  • Documenting and executing transactions.

Our Paradigm

RISConsulting delivers its services in the context of the following paradigm:

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Please note that we are not engaged in the business of providing insurance, reinsurance or securities brokerage services nor of giving legal, tax or accounting advice.